A description of the king's royal palace and gardens at Loo : together with a short account of Holland, in which there are some observations relating to their diseases /
Keukenhof flower gardens, Netherlands
Dutch Gardens
Dutch Garden, New City, NY
Tea House and Dutch Garden, New City, NY
Landscaping, moving holly tree to place where it is to be planted at the corner of building, Mr. Holland's residence, 1938
Journal of a Horticultural Tour through Germany, Belgium, and part of France, in the Autumn of 1835 To which is added, a Catalogue of the different Species of Cacteæ in the Gardens...
La Belgique horticole
Der Meister der Liebesgärten, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des ältesten Kupferstichs in den Niederlanden
Spring (Ver), from the series The Seasons