Economic and environmental benefit of informal waste scavenging at landfill sites: A case study at Bukit Gemuk, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pelatihan Pengelolaan Sampah Menjadi Pupuk Organik Bagi Masyarakat Petani di Kelurahan Sabaru, Kecamatan Sabangau, Kota Palangka Raya
Investigating years of life lost in Belgium, 2004–2019: A comprehensive analysis using a probabilistic redistribution approach
Investigating years of life lost in Belgium, 2004–2019 : a comprehensive analysis using a probabilistic redistribution approach
Towards a post-humanist design for educational inclusion. Proposing a study pedagogy for litter polluted critical zones ...
Towards a post-humanist design for educational inclusion. Proposing a study pedagogy for litter polluted critical zones