Voorlopige hechtenis:De praktijk van de voorlopige hechtenis in Nederland: korte klap in plaats van laatste redmiddel
Toepassing van de beginselen van behoorlijk bestuur door de Nederlandse burgerlijke rechter
Extended statehood in the Caribbean : paradoxes of quasi colonialism, local autonomy and extended statehood in the USA, French, Dutch and British Caribbean [Book review]
The State and religious groups. The case of the Low Countries. No agreements needed? The role of agreements in Belgium and the Netherlands
Case note: EHRM 5 april 2022, nr. 20165/20, Assemblée chrétienne des Témoins de Jéhovah d’Anderlecht e.a. t. België - Erkende religie en belastingvrijstelling in België
Cabinet conflicts in Belgium (1979-2018) - Extended version ...
The effects of boundary spanners on trust and performance of urban governance networks: Findings from survey research on urban development projects in the Netherlands
The other side of the medal; addresses delivered by the Netherlands representative in the Security Council of the United Nations during the discussions of the Indonesian question,...
Governance Arrangements And Initiatives In Rotterdam, The Netherlands ...
Corporate governance - ein Vergleich zwischen Österreich und den Niederlanden ; Corporate governance - a comparison between Austria and the Netherlands