Book Review: Locales of Happiness: Colonial Irrigation in the Netherlands East Indies and its Remains, 1830–1980
Data underlying the publication: observations of multiple internal wave packets in a tidal river plume
Induced Polarization as a Proxy for CO2-Rich Groundwater Detection—Evidences from the Ardennes, South-East of Belgium
Electrical resistivity survey data for potential aquifer in Banggi Island, Sabah, Malaysia ... : بيانات مسح المقاومة الكهربائية لطبقة المياه الجوفية المحتملة في جزيرة بانجي، صباح،...
A multidisciplinary approach to reconstructing Late Glacial and Early Holocene landscapes
The use of the Vadose Zone Experimental Setup as an innovative in situ characterization method for the vadose zone: a case study at an industrial contaminated site in Belgium
Geophysical Investigation of the Pb-Zn deposit of Lontzen, Belgium
Contribution of geophysical methods to the study of old landfills: A case study in Onoz (Belgium)
Geophysical approach of Pb-Zn mineralization of the Verviers synclinorium (Belgium) ; Approche géophysique des minéralisations Pb-Zn du synclinorium de Verviers (Belgique)
Geophysical Investigation of the Pb-Zn deposit of Lontzen-Popplsberg, Belgium