Walloon single-step genomic evaluation system integrating local and MACE EBV
Genetic correlations between methane production and milk fatty acid contents of Walloon Holstein cattle throughout the lactation
Investigation on genotype by environment interaction for milk yield of Holstein cows in Luxembourg and Tunisia
Genetics of mastitis in the Walloon Region of Belgium
A simple method to approximate gene content in large pedigree populations: application to the myostatin gene in dual-purpose Belgian Blue cattle
When MIR spectrometry helps to promote a local and vulnerable breed
Genetic variance in environmental sensitivity for milk and milk quality in walloon holstein cattle
Genetic variance in micro-environmental sensitivity for milk and milk quality in Walloon Holstein cattle
Développement de repeuplements raisonnés en barbeaux et hotus : amélioration des techniques d'élevage et caractérisation de la diversité génétique des populations wallonnes
Occurrence of the genotype of the receptor gene for ryanodine (Ryr1) associated with sensitivity to stress in 5 Belgian porcine production systems ; Incidence du génotype du gène d...