Protection fongicide du blé intégrée au mode de conduite de la culture: exemple de la Belgique ; Wheat fungicide protection integrated at the way of crop growing: Belgium example...
Three years of trials with trifloxystrobine fungicides in cereals in Belgium
Evolution du piétin verse sur froment d'hiver en Belgique ete raisonnement de la lutte fongicide ; Evolution of eyespot on winter wheat in Belgium and reasoning of fungicide protec...
Fumure azotée et protection fongicide des céréales d'hiver en Belgique ; Nitrogen dressing and fungicide protection of winter cereals in Belgium
Reduced efficacy of fluazinam against Phytophthora infestans in the Netherlands ... : انخفاض فعالية الفلوزينام ضد عدوى الفيتوفثورا في هولندا ......
First report of Colletotrichum spp. causing diseases on Capsicum spp. in Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia ... : التقرير الأول لـ Colletotrichum spp. المسببة للأمراض على Capsicum spp. في صبا...
Protection fongicide intégrée au mode de conduire de la culture. Exemple du blé en Belgique ; Wheat fungicide protection integrated at the way of crop growing: Belgium example
Why are ecological, low-input, multi-resistant wheat cultivars slow to develop commercially? A Belgian agricultural 'lock-in' case study