Country-specific goal-scoring in the "dying seconds" of international football matches
Supporting data for: Cyclic quasi-static test on calcium silicate element masonry assemblage (TUD_BUILD-2) ...
Cost of fouling in full-scale reverse osmosis and nanofiltration installations in the Netherlands
Homeostatic modulation on unconscious hedonic responses to food
High frequency of new recombinant forms in HIV-1 transmission networks demonstrated by full genome sequencing.
Efficacy of sibutramine in different types of eating behavior in obese patients ; Эффективность применения сибутрамина при различных типах нарушений пищевого поведения у пациентов...
Use Your Imagination: 7 Stages News (Atlanta, Georgia, March 2000?). 8 pages.
Work Together to Let Everyone Work: A Study of the Cooperative Job-Placement Effort in the Netherlands
Full-genome next-generation sequencing of hepatitis C virus to assess the accuracy of genotyping by the commercial assay LiPA and the prevalence of resistance-associated substituti...
Afatinib for EGFR, HER2 or HER3 mutated solid tumors: A phase II Belgian precision study