Social citizenship and divorce: Filipino migrant women (un)claiming social rights in the Netherlands and in Belgium
Interacting legal norms and cross-border divorce: stories of Filipino migrant women in the Netherlands
The best interests of the child in “mixed” couples’ divorce in Belgium and the Netherlands: Filipino mothers’ socio-legal encounters about their children
(Un)configurable masculinities and gender dynamics in men’s eyes: “Mixed” couples of Filipino migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands
Homestay, sleepover, and commensality: three intimate methods in the study of “mixed” families
Pursuing respectability in mobility: marriage, migration, and divorce of Filipino women in Belgium and the Netherlands
Influence du contexte sur le caractère variable ou stable de l’identification ethnique : le cas des enfants des couples belgo-philippins et belgo-thaïlandais en Belgique
Othering mechanisms and multiple positionings: children of Thai-Belgian couples as viewed in Thailand and Belgium
Relational transnationalism of Filipino/Thai Belgian youths in Belgium: mothers, memories, emotions and social entities
Social relatedness and forenaming in ‘mixed’ families: valuing children of Filipino-Belgian couples