Postsekulární obrat v současné feministické teorii ; Postsecular turn in contemporary feminist theory
Ordinary, extraordinary
Black women in and beyond Belgian mainstream media : between opinion–making, dissidence, and marronage
Freiheitsaktionen der Frauenbewegung: die kollektiven Busfahrten zu Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen in die Niederlande (1975–1977) als Form ver-körperten Protests
Is secularism so good for women ?
Europeanization Through the European Women’s Lobby: A Sociological Comparison of the French and Belgian National Coordinations
Les féministes et le changement social en Belgique: programmes, stratégies et réseaux ; Feminists and social change in Belgium, 1918-1968: program, strategy and networks
Nathalie Gassel y la escritura andrógina / Nathalie Gassel and the writing androgyne
'Jacob Flanders could not dance': the significance of nondance in Virginia Woolf's novel Jacob's Room