Views of older people on environmental sustainability: The development of the SustainABLE-16 Questionnaire
Intra-country energy community developments: What are policy implications for the energy transition?
Views of older people on environmental sustainability: The development of the SustainABLE-16 Questionnaire [preprint] ...
Estimation of the Fuel Load Present in the El Hacha Sector of the Guanacaste National Park, Costa Rica ; Estimación de la carga de combustible presente en el sector El Hacha del Pa...
The nuclear fuel cycle code ANICCA: Verification and a case study for the phase out of Belgian nuclear power with minor actinide transmutation
Banks Engagement in Housing Investment and its relation in Iran's Economy based on DSGE Approach
Emerging bioeconomy sectors in energy systems modeling - Integrated systems analysis of electricity, heat, road transport, aviation, and chemicals: A case study for the Netherlands
Who finances renewable energy in Europe? Examining temporality, authority and contestation in solar and wind subsidies in Poland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
Analyzing the techno-economic role of nuclear power in the Dutch net-zero energy system transition
An Integrated Baseline Geodatabase for Facilitating the Environmental Impact Assessment Process: Case Study of Sabalan Geothermal Project, Iran