Territorialization of farm system: from a sectoral farm system to a territorial farm system. -- Farm systems, farmers and territories in the Monts du Lyonnais and in the French par...
Mapping benthic ecological diversity and interactions with bottom-contact fishing on the Flemish Cap (northwest Atlantic)
De Kaapkolonie: van VOC-verversingsstation naar exploitatie- en strafkolonie ; The Cape Colony: from VOC refresh station to exploitation and penal colony
Dataset of optical and biogeochemical properties of diverse Belgian inland and coastal waters
Dataset of optical and biogeochemical properties of diverse Belgian inland and coastal waters ...
The land management in Mali. Analysis of the constraints and achievements of dutch technical aid ; La gestion de terroirs au Mali. Analyse des contraintes et des acquis dans les pr...
Connectivity modelling of areas closed to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems in the northwest Atlantic
Les foréts du Nicaragua
Human trafficking in the hospitality industry: the staff’s awareness of sexual exploitation in the Netherlands
Soziale Reproduktion und Neue Landnahme: ein feministischer Zugang