The impact of method bias on the cross-cultural comparability in face-to-face surveys among ethnic minorities
Migration and allergic diseases: Findings from a population‐based study in adults in Amsterdam, the Netherlands ... : الهجرة وأمراض الحساسية: نتائج دراسة سكانية أجريت على البالغين...
Spousal Choice among the Children of Turkish and Moroccan Immigrants in Six European Countries: Transnational Spouse or Co-ethnic Migrant?
Interview with Janet Holland, original member of the WRAP team (Interview transcript)
Über schwindende Gemeinsamkeiten - Ausländer- versus Migrantenforschung: die Notwendigkeit eines Perspektivenwechsels zur Erforschung ethnischer Minderheiten in Deutschland am Beis...
What Belgium can teach Bosnia: the uses of autonomy in 'divided house' states
National minority 'regions' in the enlarged European Union: mobilizing for third level politics?