Laboratory survey data.
Stool reimbursement data.
Capture-recapture analysis.
Number of Salmonella cases per 100 000 inhabitants reported by the National Reference Center (NRC) per region, Belgium, 2016–2020.
Number of Salmonella cases in the National Reference Center (NRC) database (solid line) and the Sentinel Network of Laboratories (SNL) database (dotted line), Belgium, 2016–2020.
Linking peripheral laboratory sites that sent isolates to the National Reference Center (NRC) with licensed medical laboratories that were invited to the survey to estimate the cov...
Coverage of the NRC surveillance system per licensed laboratory, per region, Belgium, 2019.
Coverage of the NRC surveillance system as estimated through a capture-recapture study, 2016–2020, Belgium.
A two-source capture-recapture analysis to estimate the ‘true’ number of Salmonella cases in Belgium, 2016–2020.
Regional forest inventory and electronic data input : A promising form of synergy ; Inventaire forestier régional et saisie électornique de données : une synergie prometteuse.