Transitional geometries between gently plunging and steeply plunging folds: an example from the Lower Palaeozoic Brabant Massif, Anglo-Brabant deformation belt, Belgium
Large-scale slumping deduced from structural and sedimentary features in the Lower Palaeozoic Anglo-Brabant fold belt, Belgium
Alteration and fluid characteristics of a mineralised shear zone in the Lower Palaeozoic of the Anglo-Brabant belt, Belgium
Folds trending at various angles to the transport direction in the Marcq area, Brabant Massif, Belgium
The supposed thrust fault in the Dyle-Thyle outcrop area (southern Brabant Massif, Belgium) re-interpreted as a folded low-angle extensional detachment
Upper Ordovician lithostratigraphy and structural architecture of the Fauquez area (Brabant Massif, Belgium)
Anomalous topography of the Lower Palaeozoic basement in the Brussels region, Belgium
Fingerprinting the origin of fluvial suspended sediment in the Demer basin, Belgium: a preliminary assessment of spatial provenance
Sediment concentrations, fluxes and source apportionment: methodology assessment and application in Nete and Demer tributary basins (river Scheldt basin, Belgium)
Scenario modelling of drainage impact of a groundwater-dependent heath ecosystem, Belgium