Cymbalophus cuniculus from the early Eocene of Erquelinnes (Belgium), and its implications for basal Perissodactyl phylogeny
Geomorphic processes on coal tips in Belgium
Ticks in the Kempen (Belgium) and their relationship to mast-eating rodents
Analysis and rehabilitation of a groundwater-dependent ecosystem in Belgium
Wanted: suitable replacement stones for the Lede stone (Belgium)
Compatibility study and adaption of stone repair mortars for the Lede stone (Belgium)
Impact of beaver ponds on river discharge and sediment deposition along the Chevral River, Ardennes, Belgium
Chitinozoan biozonation and new lithostratigraphical data in the Upper Ordovician of the Fauquez and Asquempont areas (Brabant Massif, Belgium)
New evidence for the Hirnantian (Upper Ordovician) in Belgium? An integrated isotiopical, biostratigraphic and sedimentologic approach
Cleavage/fold relationship in the Silurian of the Mehaigne-Burdinale area, southeastern Brabant Massif, Belgium