BWZee: a biological valuation map for the Belgian part of the North Sea: final report
A biological valuation map for the Belgian part of the North Sea (BWZee)
Stratigraphic revision of Lessines borehole (Brabant Massif, Belgian)
Development of an efficient approach of archaeological heritage in the intertidal zone of the Belgian North Sea
Pompproeven en waterstaalnamen in gespleten vaste gesteenten (Oost- en West-Vlaanderen): Resultaten van de pomp- en stijgproef bij de firma BELGIAN SEWING THREAD (B.S.T.) te Deerli...
The last glacial inception in continental northwestern Europe : characterization and timing of the Late Eemian Aridity Pulse (LEAP) recorded in multiple Belgian speleothems
Environmental risk assessment of emerging organic micropollutants in the Belgian part of the North Sea
Effect of artificial recharge on submarine groundwater discharge : a Belgian case study
The Belgian coal tips: geomorphic and pedogenetic research with community service and educational aspects
Dating sedimentation in the Belgian loess region