My Auntie Rosa's experiences of the Nazi-occupation of Belgium
Life as a Bevan Boy
Own-account workers in Europe: flexible, mobile, and often inadequately insured
Belgium - Denmark - Germany - Greece - Italy - The Netherlands - Portugal - Spain
Work and social welfare for asylum-seekers and refugees. Selected EU Member States : in-depth analysis - Estudio ; L'emploi et le bien-être social des demandeurs d'asile et de réfu...
Essays on the impact of innovation on local employment growth : application to Luxembourg ; Essais sur l'impact de l'innovation sur la croissance locale de l'emploi : application a...
Psychological quality of life and its association with Academic Employability Skills among newly-registered students from three European faculties.
A Model of Emission Trading for Minimizing the Cost of Air Pollution Control from Belgian Power Plants
Sozialpolitik durch Tarifvertrag in den Niederlanden: die Rolle der industriellen Beziehungen in der Liberalisierung des Wohlfahrtsstaates
Récession charbonnière et modifications de l'aire de recrutement de la main-d’œuvre des charbonnages campinois