Individual toddlers' interactions with teachers, peers, and the classroom environment in Danish and Dutch childcare: First validation of the inCLASS Toddler
Family group conferencing in Dutch child welfare: Which families are most likely to organize a family group conference?
Effect of Key2Teach on Dutch teachers’ relationships with students with externalizing problem behavior: a randomized controlled trial
Study-related experiences of university students in the Netherlands during emergency remote teaching in the context of COVID-19
Measurement properties of the CLASS Toddler in ECEC in The Netherlands
The Formation of Party Preference in Adolescence and Early Adulthood: How and When Does It Occur in the Multiparty Context of the Netherlands?
Which school for whom? Placement choices for inclusion or exclusion of Dutch students with social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties in primary education
Interrelationships between Theory of Mind and language development: A longitudinal study of Dutch-speaking kindergartners
Perceived Teacher Discrimination and Depressive Feelings in Adolescents: The Role of National, Regional, and Heritage Identities in Flemish Schools
Couples’ work schedules and child-care use in the Netherlands