EffIciency and Equity in Block Grant design simulating some alternatives for Flemish municipalities
Expenditure and taxation effects of local public debt and unconditional grants: evidence from Flemish municipalities
Strengths and weaknesses of the Flemish innovation system: an external viewpoint
R&D activities of Flemish companies in the private sector: an analysis for the period 1998-2002
Un modèle économétrique des marchés financiers de l'Union Economique Belgo-Luxembourgeoise
Comparative advantage and industrial restructuring: the Belgian case, 1970-1980
Some estimates of the wealth-effect of inflation on the Belgian government budget
Testing coalition théories in Belgian Local governments
Political economy of protection: an analysis ot the Belgian case
Cumulated costs and import contents in the Belgian input-output tables of 1965, 1970 and 1975