Delenda Carthago, or, The true interest of England in relation to France and Holland
Because We Need Them.: German-Dutch relations after the occupation: economic inevitability and political acceptance, 1945-1957
The International Economic Relations of Small Countries in the 1930s. Belgium and The Netherlands
La Belgique et les réparations allemandes après la première Guerre mondiale, 1919-1925
European union and Atlantic partnership : political, military and economic aspects of Dutch defence, 1948-1954, and the impact of the European Defence Community
Relações comerciais luso-nipónicas: do comércio “Namban” às relações económicas contemporâneas ; Luso-Japanese trade relations: from the Namban trade to the contemporary economic r...
Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej Vol 54, No 3 (2019), Special Issue, Artykuły ; Russia’s commerce and navigation treaties with England, the Netherlands and Tusca...
Problems of Indemnity in Polish-Belgian Relations after the Second World War ; Problemy indemnizacyjne w stosunkach polsko-belgijskich po II wojnie światowej ; Проблемы индемнизаци...
Les relations entre la Belgique et la Roumanie, 1859-1939 (-1989)
Getting the Numbers Right on China’s Actual Overseas Investment: The Case of the Netherlands