Who opts for self-employment after retirement? A longitudinal study in the Netherlands
Bulletin des conférences préparatoires a l'organisation d'une Bourse du travail a Bruxelles.
Actual and Future Employment for Radiologists in Belgium: A Survey by the Young Radiologist Section
The propensity of seeking self-employment among Belgian university students
Le contrat de louage de services et la question des accidents du travail en Belgique et à l'étranger /
Wahlmöglichkeiten und Wettbewerb in der Krankenhausversorgung : Steuerungsinstrumente in Deutschland, den Niederlanden, der Schweiz und den USA im Rechtsvergleich (Edition 1)
Effect of self-efficacy on self-employment intention of undergraduates: a case of arts undergraduates in Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
Health, job characteristics, skills, and social and financial factors in relation to early retirement - Results from a longitudinal study in the Netherlands
Covid-19 Pandemic and its relation to the Unemployment situation in Malaysia: A Case Study from Sabah