Structural change, economic growth and natural resource booms: A structuralist perspective
Transferts de fonds vers le Maroc, enjeux, comportement et impacts ; Remittances to Morocco : Issues, Behavior and Impacts
Copper in Chile - When the Resource “Outside” Becomes a Blessing
Does the Canadian Economy suffer from Dutch Disease?
The oil expansion and risks of a Dutch disease in Chad: an approach by modeling the computable general balance ; Boom pétrolier et risque d'un syndrome hollandais au Tchad : une ap...
The costs of resource-led development. An analysis of the economic impact of the oil extraction boom in Colombia ; Koszty rozwoju opartego na surowcach naturalnych. Analiza gospoda...
Post-disaster aid and development of the manufacturing sector: Lessons from a natural experiment in China
Resource Windfalls, Macroeconmic Stability and Growth: The Role of Political Institutions
Les transferts de fonds au pakistan : leur nature, leurs déterminants et leurs impacts économiques ; Remittance inflows to Pakistan : nature, determinants and economic impacts
Ulusal Paranın Değerlenmesi Bir Endişe Kaynağı mıdır? Hollanda Hastalığı ve Büyüme Arasındaki Eksik Halka