Missionale diakonaat : van fragmentasie naintegrasie en impak ; Missional diaconate : from fragmentation to integration and impact
Diakonale reis van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk ; Diaconal journey of the Dutch Reformed Church
Letter from Z. K. Matthews to E. A. Gross
Rhinebeck Post Office Mural: Sunday Morning Before Church Service, 1790
A first glimpse of South Africa
Memorandum concerning statements of the Anglican Church re the D.R. Church and education in South Africa ; Memorandum concerning statements of the Anglican Church re the Dutch Refo...
Herlewing van sekulere spiritualiteit in Europa en die implikasie daarvan vir die NG Kerk in Suid-Afrika ; The revival of secular spirituality in Europe and its implication for the...
Letter from Prof. Z. K. Matthews to Dr. H. P. Van Dusen
South Africa : a land divided against itself
Tagebuch des Missionars Albert Nachtigal: Band 2: Teil 2: 1881 - 1893 ; Diary of the Missionary Albert Nachtigal: volume 2: part 2: 1881 - 1893