Identidad de género en el discurso de los universitarios Identity of gender at the university students' discourse
Att förmedla eller förnöja? : En diskursanalytisk studie av debatten kring förekomsten av moraliska budskap i holländsk 1600-talskonst ; To instruct or delight? : A discourse...
Representation of islam and muslims in western films: an “imaginary” muslim community
Experts as Game Changers? A Critical Discourse Analysis of Climate Measures in the Metropolitan Region of Amsterdam
Representation of Islam and Muslims in Cinematography: Case Studies of The Kite Runner and Submission ; Islamo ir musulmonų reprezentacija kinematografijoje: filmų „Bėgantis paskui...
The recontextualisation of social pedagogy : a study of three curricula in the Netherlands, Norway and Ireland
Designing the (Most) Mobile University: The Centrality of International Student Mobility in Luxembourg’s Higher Education Policy Discourse
Globalisering in de hedendaagse Nederlandse roman ; Globalization in the contemporary Dutch novel ; Globalizace v současném nizozemském románu
Representation of Islam and Muslims in Western films: an "imaginary" Muslim community
Les religions abrahamites dans le discours du Front National dans le contexte d'extrêmes droites populistes européennes