Beschavingsoffensief (civilising offensive): from sociological concept to moral appeal
‘Zou de wereldbol een beetje aan het leeglopen zijn?’ Herman de Coninck over het Afrikaans en Afrikaner maatschappij, cultuur en politiek
Women who make homemade soap: a feminist discourse analysis ; Mujeres que hacen jabón casero: un análisis feminista de discurso ; Mulheres que fazem sabão caseiro: uma análise femi...
Entre tijeras, "apoyo crítico" y transparencia. La compleja construcción discursiva de un liderazgo local en la Argentina posneoliberal ; Among scissors, "critical support" and tra...
A bottom-up approach to the analysis of deliberate metaphors in Belgian political discourse
Conscientious Objectors and the Marrying Kind: Rights and Rites in Dutch Public Discourse on Marriage Registrars with Conscientious Objections against Conducting Same-Sex Weddings
Unraveling the Myth: Tracing the Limits of Europe through Its Border Figurations
The criminalisation of squatting:Discourses, moral panics and resistances in the Netherlands, England and Wales
How should the ‘Parliamentary Investigation Committee’ research discrimination in the Netherlands?
PP-internal particles in Dutch as evidence for PP-internal discourse structure