Bruxelles - Cotonou: une anthropologie économique de la filière euro-africaine d'exportation de véhicules d'occasion ; Brussels - Cotonou: an economic anthropology of the Euro-Afri...
La lutte contre la dépendance à la voiture via l’aménagement du territoire, un défi stimulant pour un géographe travaillant au sein de la CPDT
Usporedba tehničko eksploatacijskih značajki automobila s obzirom na vrstu pogona i njihov utjecaj na okoliš ; Comparison of the technical and operational characteristic of vehicle...
The association between car accident fatalities and children’s fears: A study in seven EU countries
The coordination between public transport and urbanization processes in a metropolitan trans-border context: The case of the southern part of the province “Belgian Luxembourg” in t...
Commitments and modal usage: An analysis of German and Dutch panels
Commitments and modal usage: An analysis of German and Dutch panels ...
Basic measurements of radiation from BSRN stations Cabauw, Camborne, Carpentras, Cener, Izaña, Lerwick, Lindenberg, Palaiseau, Sonnblick and Toravere in the years 1995 to 2016, ref...
Antihistamines and driving ability: Evidence from 30 years Dutch on-road driving research
Apoyo en el proceso de adopción y seguimiento a los Planes de Ordenamiento del Recurso Hídrico (PORH) de la jurisdicción CAR ; Support in the process of adoption and follow-up to t...