Pesticides for Apicultural and/or Agricultural Application Found in Belgian Honey Bee Wax Combs
Vertical transmission of honey bee viruses in a Belgian queen breeding program
Beeswax residue analysis points to an alarming contamination: a Belgian case study
Influence of the proximity of American foulbrood cases and apicultural management on the prevalence of Paenibacillus larvae spores in Belgian honey
Comprehensive Bee Pathogen Screening in Belgium Reveals Crithidia mellificae as a New Contributory Factor to Winter Mortality
Can a Simple Selection Program Predict Winter Mortality? Preliminary Evaluation of the Flemish Honey Bee Breeding Program Steers towards Selection by Exclusion
Pesticide and veterinary drug residues in Belgian beeswax: Occurrence, toxicity, and risk to honey bees.
Known and novel viruses in Belgian honey bees: yearly differences, spatial clustering, and associations with overwintering loss
Preliminary study of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) presence in syrup to feed bees in Belgium
Multivariate Landscape Analysis of Honey Bee Winter Mortality in Wallonia, Belgium