Milch cows and dairy farming; comprising the breeds, breeding, and management, in health and disease, of dairy and other stock; the selection of milch cows, with a full explanation...
Die hollandische Rindviehzucht und Milchwirthschaft.
Die holländische rindviehzucht und milchwirthschaft /
Correlations of feed intake predicted with milk infrared spectra and breeding values in the Dutch Holstein population
Dutch, Hungarian and German dairy farms technical efficiency comparison
Prevalence of extended-spectrum and AmpC β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in young calves on Dutch dairy farms
Effect of selective dry cow treatment on udder health and antimicrobial usage on Dutch dairy farms
Single-step genome-wide association analyses for milk urea concentration in Walloon Holstein cows
Gesamtbericht über die Untersuchung der Milch von dreiundsechszig Kühen des in Ostpreussen rein gezüchteten holländischen Schlages während der Dauer einer oder mehrerer Laktat...