Entrepreneurship of Dutch dairy farmers
De bodemgesteldheid van het proefbedrijf "Melkveehouderij en Milieu" te Hengelo (Gld.) : resultaten van een bodemgeografisch onderzoek
Smooth incidence maps give valuable insight into Q fever outbreaks in The Netherlands
Prevalence and risk factors for extended-spectrum β-lactamase or AmpC-producing Escherichia coli in organic dairy herds in the Netherlands
Development of an objective and uniform scoring method to evaluate the quality of rearing in Dutch dairy herds
Fraud vulnerability in the Dutch milk supply chain : Assessments of farmers, processors and retailers
Estimating the Effect of a Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Control Program: An Empirical Study on the Performance of Dutch Dairy Herds
Cross-Sectional Study to Map Nutritional Quality of Meat, Fish, and Dairy Alternatives in Dutch Supermarkets According to the Dutch Food-Based Dietary Guidelines and Nutri-Score
Qualitative welfare risks of cows offered to a Dutch mobile slaughter unit
Factibilidad para la creación de una empresa de derivados lácteos en el municipio de Sabana de Torres, Santander