Overview of prior research on the stability of school value-added scores over time, their included variables, samples, and conclusions.
Reliability coefficients for the achievement scores for the 2015–2017 and 2017–2019 data sets.
Descriptive data of the two samples used in the present study.
Correlation table of VA scores in different outcome domains (mathematics and language) over time.
Evaluation économique de la campagne de dépistage de l'ostéoporose menée en Province de Liège avec le concours de Liège Province Santé ; Economic evaluation of osteoporosis screeni...
Doing Business Economy Profile 2016 ; Belgium
Marchés immobiliers résidentiels et étalement urbain contraint. L'accessibilité au logement au sein de la région métropolitaine bruxelloise
Problems among of victims and nonvictims.
Characteristics of victims and nonvictims.
Use of professional help among victims and nonvictims with problems.