A mathematical approach to comparing environmental and economic goals in dairy farming on sandy soils in the Netherlands
A survey of bacteria found in Belgian dairy farm products ; Qualité microbiologique des produits laitiers issus des fermes belges
Bedded pack barns for dairy cattle in the Netherlands
Bedrijfstoeslagen na 2013; Omgaan met dalende bedragen
Cost-effectiveness of Escherichia coli O157:H7 control in the beef chain
De bodemgesteldheid van het proefbedrijf "Melkveehouderij en Milieu" te Hengelo (Gld.) : resultaten van een bodemgeografisch onderzoek
Outils d’aide à la décision pour la gestion des fourrages herbagers dans les exploitations laitières wallonnes: adoption et perspectives
European dairy policy in the years to come : impact of quota abolition on the dairy sector
A model of Dutch agriculture based on Positive Mathematical Programming with regional and environmental applications
European dairy policy in the years to come; Quota abolition and competitiveness