A copie of the Queens letter from the Hague in Holland to the Kings Maiesty residing at Yorke. Sent from the Hague by one of her Maiesties gentlemen ushers, March 19. 1641.
A true copie of a letter of speciall consequence from Rotetrdam [sic] in Holland subscribed by severall credible hands; and sent to a citizen of good note in London; being very con...
Whitehall, June 7. 1697. The mail from Holland of Friday last arrived this afternoon; tho' that of Tuesday the first of this month is not yet come in.
Interkulturní rozdíly v preferencích při nákupu automobilů ; Intercultural Differences in the Preferences for Buying Cars
Who is Responsible for Instability in the Democratic Republic of Congo?
Sudden piety.
The English seamans resolution, or, the loyall subjects undaunted valour: Plainly demonstrating the justness of his cause, incouraging [sic] his friends, to daunt his foes: for kin...
'Collaboration is a very delicate concept' : alliance-formation and the colonial defence of Indonesia and Malaysia, 1945-1957
Colonial tours : the leisure and anxiety of empire in travel writing from Java, Ceylon and the straits settlements, 1840-1875
Madam Gwins ansvver to the Dutches of Portsmouths letter