State of Disgrace: Popular Political Discontents about the Dutch State in the 2000s
Naar een diachrone blik op de verdiensten van Nederlandstalige auteurs
Becoming politically discontented: Anti-establishment careers of Dutch nonvoters and PVV voters
Cultural legitimacy and innovation journeys : a new perspective applied to Dutch and British nuclear power
Bicykl Jejího Veličenstva: o národním habitu a sociologické komparaci
The impact of national culture in MNC's home country on the strategy making process in their overseas subsidiaries: a comparison between Dutch and Japanese companies in Thailand
New Germans, new Dutch: literary interventions
Vertraute Fremde: Repräsentationen und Status von Grenzgängern in Luxemburg
Exploring Embodied Place Attachment Through Co‐Creative Art Trajectories: The Case of Mount Murals
Jean Desmet and the early Dutch film trade