Discursieve en muzikale constructies van Vlaamse identiteit(en): studie naar de nationale en muzikale discours, retoriek en programmering van de Vlaamse verzuilde omroepvereniginge...
On the use of the unusual green pigment Brochantite (Cu-4(SO4)(OH)(6)) in the 16th-century Portuguese-Flemish paintings attributed to the master Frei Carlos workshop
'Timeless' rock masculinities : understanding the gendered dimension of an annual Belgian radio music poll
Plant use and perceptions in the context of sexual health among people of Congolese descent in Belgium
Hidden violence is silent rape : sexual and gender-based violence in refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands
The suppression of satirizing Belgian community difficulties in Flemish cinema and the film adaptation of Will-O’-the Wisp
Vlaamse onderwijshervorming : kansen voor scholen en culturele instellingen
Catalogue of Chinese matrices and printing-types founded in the Netherlands .
Van Top-Hit Girl naar Het Dwaallicht : Frans Buyens ruilt communautaire satire in voor literair filmproject
Using word embedding models to capture changing media discourses : a study on the role of legitimacy, gender and genre in 24,000 music reviews, 1999-2021