The black box: a story of the brown shrimp and the (un)faithful mysids in the Westerschelde estuary
Causes and incidence of the "black spot disease" on brown shrimp ( Crangon crangon )
Pel grijze garnalen en proef de verhalen
Zware metalen in grijze garnaal ( Crangon crangon ) van de Belgische kustwateren (1972-1997)
Population dynamics of brown shrimps ( Crangon crangon ) in the Belgian coastal waters. 1. Consumption-production-model
Population dynamics of brown shrimp ( Crangon crangon ) in the Belgian coastal waters. 2. Predation mortality
Belg is met voorsprong de grootste garnalenconsument
Contribution à l'étude de la croissance et de la réproduction de la crevette grise ( Crangon crangon L.) au large de la côte belge
Let's make the brown shrimp green ! Evaluation of discarding practices in the North Sea Brown shrimp ( Crangon crangon L.) fishery
Protandric hermaphroditism in the brown shrimp , Crangon crangon (L.) , and its effects on recruitment and reproductive potential