Les sanctuaires gaulois et gallo-romains dans leur environnement : apport des analyses polliniques réalisées dans le nord de la France et la Belgique
High-resolution palynological study of Misten Holocene peat bog (Hautes-Fagnes, Belgium)
Can we use authigenic phosphate minerals in cave entrance as palaeoenvironmental data recorders? A case study from Walou cave (Belgium)
Reconstructing Early Atlantic to Early Subatlantic peat-forming conditions of the ombrotrophic Misten Bog (eastern Belgium) on the basis of high-resolution analyses of pollen, test...
Mid- and late Holocene dust deposition in western Europe: the Misten peat bog (Hautes Fagnes – Belgium)
Late Subatlantic history of the ombrotrophic Misten Bog (Eastern Belgium) based on high resolution pollen, testate amoebae and macrofossil analysis
Mid- and late Holocene dust deposition in western Europe: The Misten peat bog (Hautes Fagnes – Belgium)
Reconstitution des conditions de formation de la tourbe des périodes Atlantique ancien à Subatlantique ancien dans la tourbière ombrotrophe du Misten (Est de la Belgique) sur la ba...
Multiproxy, multicore palaeoenvironmental study during the last millennium in the Misten peat bog (Hautes Fagnes, East Belgium).
On the use of integrated process models to reconstruct prehistoric occupation, with examples from Sandy Flanders, Belgium