Ground beetle (Coleoptera:Carabidae) species composition of three forests in the Netherlands
Fig. 3 in Stenelmis hollandiWhite and Lenat (Coleoptera: Elmidae), a New Species of Riffle Beetle from the Little River, North Carolina, USA
Fig. 1 in Stenelmis hollandiWhite and Lenat (Coleoptera: Elmidae), a New Species of Riffle Beetle from the Little River, North Carolina, USA
Fig. 2 in Stenelmis hollandiWhite and Lenat (Coleoptera: Elmidae), a New Species of Riffle Beetle from the Little River, North Carolina, USA
Fig. 1 in Belgian Journal of Entomology
Fig. 3 in Belgian Journal of Entomology
Fig. 4 in Belgian Journal of Entomology
Fig. 5. Clivina castanea Westwood, 1837 in Belgian Journal of Entomology
Fig. 6 in Belgian Journal of Entomology
Fig. 7. Clivina saundersi Andrewes, 1926 in Belgian Journal of Entomology