Análisis de la variabilidad inherente de algunos perfiles de suelo de la formación Sabana de Bogotá basado en la teoría de campos aleatorios ; Analysis of the inherent variability...
Estoit moult belle et poissant: artillerie, artisans et pouvoir princier dans les pays bourguignons, v. 1450-1493 ; Estoit moult belle et poissant: Ordnance, Craftsmen and Princely...
Varieties of Democracy (V-DEM) Report "Autocratization Surges - Resistance Grows" (2020)
Guía metodológica para la caracterización ambiental de las viviendas en la sabana de Bogotá: estudio de caso ; Methodological guide for characterization environmental protection of...
Transsexualität und Recht. Oder: Das falsche Geschlecht. Ueber die Inkongruenz biologischer, sozialer und rechtlicher Geschlechterkategorisierungen
A list of the names of the iudges of the High Court of Iustice for the tryall of James Earl of Cambridge, Henry Earl of Holland, George Lord Goring, Arthur Lord Capell, and Sir Joh...
Dataset of VAi secondment for Epistemologies of Making - Archive of Bataille en Ibens ...
Inventory of farming systems exposed to flooding and land pressure in various European cities ; Inventaire des systèmes agricoles exposés aux inondations et à la pression foncière...
Audiovisual work Part 2- Interview with Viviane Reding, Sanem 11 September 2015 (Lenght 01:56:43)
Art versus the State : the architectural debate regarding the Luxembourg Museum and the building of the illegitimacy of the French art policy, 1848-1920 ; L’Art contre l’État ? : l...