Data_Sheet_4_Bigger and Better? Representativeness of the Influenza A Surveillance Using One Consolidated Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Data Set as Compared to the Belgian Senti...
Data_Sheet_1_Trends in the use of benzodiazepine receptor agonists among working-age adults in Belgium from 2004 to 2018.pdf
Data_Sheet_1_Exploring the challenges faced by Dutch truck drivers in the era of technological advancement.docx
Table_1_The economic burden of asthma prior to death: a nationwide descriptive study.docx
Table_2_The economic burden of asthma prior to death: a nationwide descriptive study.DOCX
Table_1_Academic medical centres in the Netherlands: muddling through or radical change?.docx
Table_2_Academic medical centres in the Netherlands: muddling through or radical change?.docx
Table_3_Academic medical centres in the Netherlands: muddling through or radical change?.docx
Table_4_Academic medical centres in the Netherlands: muddling through or radical change?.docx
Table_5_Academic medical centres in the Netherlands: muddling through or radical change?.docx