Victoire de Jemmapes : le 6 novembre 1792, ou 15 brumaire an I.er de la République : [estampe] / Swebach Desfontaines inv. & del. ; Berthault sculp.
Overwinning van Gemmapes. : [estampe] / Swebach des Fontaines, inv. et del. ; R. Vinkeles, & D. Vrydag, sculp. 1801
Notes and Queries - volume 4 - Page 539
By the King, a proclamation for recalling and prohibiting sea-men from the service of foreign princes and states and that no prizes taken from the Dutch by vertue of Portugal commi...
The arguments of Monsieur Herard for Monsieur the Duke of Mazarin against Madam the Dutchess of Mazarin, his spouse and the factum for Madam the Dutchess of Mazarin against Monsieu...
To all and every the constables of St. Clements Danes of the Dutchy Liberty, of Covent-garden, and St. Martins in the Fields
Two petitions of the Lords and Commons to His Majestie. Febr. 2. 1641 [1642]. : With His Majesties gracious answer: also His Majesties consent for the Princesse Maries going to Hol...
Charles I (1600-49) in three positions
"The Beautiful Days in Aranjuez": a Dutch history student in Czechoslovakia 1966–1967 ; „Překrásné dny v Aranjuez“. Nizozemská studentka historie v Československu v letech 1966–196...
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