An account of the tryal of Charles Bateman, chirurgeon, for high- treason, in conspiring the death of the late King and the subversion of the government &c. who was tryed and f...
S. Hieronymus ; S. Hilarius Pictavensis
Lettre de Charles Gounod à Jules Barbier, lundi [24 juin 1861] (manuscrit autographe)
Lettre de Charles Gounod à Antoine de Choudens, Arcachon, 26 août 1861 (manuscrit autographe)
An account of the reasons which induced Charles II. King of England to declare war against the States-General of the United Povinces [sic] in 1672 : and of the private league which...
The First Governess of the Netherlands, Margaret of Austria
In the Woold: Saskia Hamilton's Dutch Roots
Charles IV. as the Ideal of a King in the Work Catalogus Abbatum Saganensium by Ludolf of Żagań from the End of the 14th Century ; Karol IV Luksemburski jako ideał władcy w świetle...
[Broadcasting production]
Saský dům na Malé Straně v Praze (č. p. 55/III): příspěvek ke genezi jeho architektury a k otázce stavebníka ; Saxon House in Lesser Town in Prague (House No. 55/III): a contributi...