Investment, R&D and liquidity constraints: A corporate governance approach to the Belgian evidence
Hydrogen Infrastructure Project Risks in The Netherlands
Process Prediction in Noisy Data Sets: A Case Study in a Dutch Hospital
The response of firms‘ investment and financing to adverse cash flow shocks: the role of bank relationships
Microfinance and the Decline of Poverty: Evidence from the Nineteenth-Century Netherlands
Finance, uncertainty and investment: assessing the gains and losses of a generalized non linear structural approach using Belgian panel data
Contribution à l'étude de la structure financière des entreprises et des facteurs déterminants de leur endettement
FDI inflows and outflows ; Prilivi in odlivi NTI: primerjava Nizozemske in Švice
Valoración de empresa ganadera y mediana productor de leche; región norte y sabanera de Colombia
Petroleum Exploration and Production Rights : Allocation Strategies and Design Issues