An exact and authentic account of the greatest white-herring-fishery in Scotland, carried on yearly in the island of Zetland, by the Dutch only : to which is prefixed a description...
The Spanish Empire In America Containing, A succinct Relation of the Discovery and Settlement of its several Colonies; a View of their respective Situations, Extent, Commodities, T...
The Spanish empire in America : containing, a succinct relation of the discovery and settlement of its several colonies; a view of their respective situations, extent, commodities,...
A Preliminary Study of the Problem of Designing High-Speed Airplanes With Satisfactory Inherent Damping of the Dutch Roll Oscillation ; NACA Technical Notes
A Study of the Problem of Designing Airplanes With Satisfactory Inherent Damping of the Dutch Roll Oscillation ; NACA Technical Reports
Request aan Zijne Excellentie den Gouverneur-Generaal van Nederlandsch-Indië dd⁰. 15 Mei 1906 over het stoomwezen : met 19 bijlagen.
An exact and authentic account of the greatest white-herring-fishery in Scotland, carried on yearly in the island of Zetland, by the Dutch only . To which is prefix'd a description...
Research output on primary care in Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States: bibliometric analysis