Fiber to the home unbundling and retail competition: developments in the Netherlands
Doctors' view on intercultural competence in the medical setting in Luxembourg
Compte-rendu de l'ouvrage d'Emmanuelle Faure, Edna Hernández-González et Corinne Luxembourg (dir.): La ville: quel genre? L’espace public à l’épreuve du genre
Taalbeheersingsonderzoek in de komende jaren:Inleiding Perspectiefnummer Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing
Media pluralism monitor 2015: Luxembourg
Communication professionals : reflective views on the changes in professional practices and standards in Belgium ; Les professionnels de la communication : regards réflexifs sur le...
Presentation1_English from Scratch: Preadolescents’ Developing Use of English Lexical Resources in Belgian Dutch.pdf
Table1_English from Scratch: Preadolescents’ Developing Use of English Lexical Resources in Belgian Dutch.DOCX
Table_1_Food writings in a postmodern society: a discourse analysis of influencer and celebrity chef cookbooks in Belgium.DOCX
Factors influencing communication between parents and early childhood educators in multilingual Luxembourg