Prevalence of the parasites Sacculina carcini on Liocarcinus holsatus and Peltogaster paguri on Pagurus bernhardus in the Belgian part of the North Sea
Crustacean parasites in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Sacculina carcini on Liocarcinus holsatus and Peltogaster paguri on Pagurus bernhardus
REVISITED: the soft-bottom benthic habitats of the Belgian Part of the North Sea
REVISITED: the soft-bottom benthic communities of the Belgian part of the North Sea
Paving the way for macrobenthic diversity assessment in impacted areas of the Belgian part of the North Sea using metabarcoding
Update on the soft-bottom benthic habitats in the Belgian Part of the North Sea, with new functional information
Diversity and biological trait analysis of soft-bottom macrobenthic communities in the Belgian part of the North Sea
Ecological assessment of intense aggregate dredging activity on the Belgian part of the North Sea