Tazza with cover depicting the Relief of Breda: Detail, inside bowl, tondo, scene VI: The taking of the stronghold by the troops that had been smuggled in
Tazza with cover depicting the Relief of Breda: Inside cover: Scene I, Map of Breda with troops lined up outside the city walls
Tazza with cover depicting the Relief of Breda: Underside of bowl: Scene II, Hohenlohe and Heraugiere discuss tactics
Tazza with cover depicting the Relief of Breda: Cover, upper surface: Scene IX, Spanish officers surrender the stronghold to the Dutch
Tazza with cover depicting the Relief of Breda: Inside rim of bowl: Scene V, Spanish soldiers pulling the vessel into the stronghold
L'Ordre dv siege de la ville de Breda, contre les forces espagnolles: par Monsievr le prince d'Orange general de l'armée hollandoise. Suiuant l'arrest qui en a esté faict au camp d...
City Centre, Iziko Museum ; Iziko Museum (Cape Town District)
Cape Town, District Six Museum ; District Six Museum, Cape Town
A proclamation for publishing the peace between His Majesty and the States-General of the Vnited Netherlands.
A proclamation, for publishing of the peace between His Majesty and the King of Denmark