Is palliative care a utopia for older patients with organ failure, dementia or frailty? A qualitative study through the prism of emergency department admission.
Crushed by the Belgian system: Lived experiences of forensic care trajectories by persons labelled as not criminally responsible
Are Mentally Disordered Offenders Admitted to Appropriate Secure Settings according to Security Needs? A Cross Sectional Study in Belgium
SPICT as a predictive tool for risk of 1-year health degradation and death in older patients admitted to the emergency department: a bicentric cohort study in Belgium.
SPICT as a predictive tool for risk of 1-year health degradation and death in older patients admitted to the emergency department : a bicentric cohort study in Belgium
SPICT as a predictive tool for risk of 1-year health degradation and death in older patients admitted to the emergency department: a bicentric cohort study in Belgium