Histoire du livre et de l'imprimerie en Belgique des origines à nos jours.
The Involvement of Podillia in the European Book Trade Space of the first half - the middle of the 19th century (by the example of Belgian Publications)
The Dickens collection of the late William Glyde Wilkins of Pittsburgh, Pa. : first editions English, American, French, German, Dutch, exceptional extra illustrations, autograph le...
Neusboekje: Title page from Niew worckumer almanach
Catalogue de livres: saisis par Jacques-Joseph Delcourt; Catalogue Mons varia, 1780-1788
Catholic Identity and the Revolt of the Netherlands, 1520-1635, by Judith Pollmann
The Republican Alternative: The Netherlands and Switzerland Compared
Folmer, Henk, and Ekko van Ierland. Valuation Methods and Policy Making in Environmental Economics. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, 1989, 259 pp., $89.00
Kendrick, David A. Feedback: A New Framework for Macroeconomic Policy. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988, vi + 147 pp., price $29.50
Parikh, Kirit S., Gunther Fischer, Klaus Froberg, Odd Gilbrandsen. Towards Free Trade in Agriculture. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, Publishers, 1988, xi + 357 pp., pric...