Boomkikker en Kamsalamander in Vlaanderen : eindelijk van de ondergang gered?
A new transoceanic invasion? : first records of Neomysis americana (Crustacea: Mysidae) in the East Atlantic
Can a simple selection program predict winter mortality? Preliminary evaluation of the Flemish honey bee breeding program steers towards selection by exclusion
Complete genome sequence of a porcine epidemic diarrhea virus from a novel outbreak in Belgium, January 2015
Complete genome sequence of bovine polyomavirus type 1 from aborted cattle, isolated in Belgium in 2014
Unravelling etiology of skin ulcerations in common dab (Limanda limanda) in the Belgian part of the North Sea
Agro-ecologie in land- en tuinbouweducatie : verkenning van de situatie in Vlaanderen
The use of indicator species in nature management and policy making : the case of invertebrates in Flanders (northern Belgium)
Characterization of Alternaria species on potato : towards a better understanding of the fungal genus in Flanders
Complete genome sequence of a novel human gammapapillomavirus isolated from a cervical swab in Luxembourg