Les Pannariaceae s.l. (Lichens) en Belgique, au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg et dans les régions voisines
Report of a lichenological field meeting in Luxembourg
Le genre Peltigera (Lichenes) en Belgique et au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
A lichenological excursion in May 1997 near Han-sur-Lesse and Saint-Hubert, with notes on rare or critical taxa of the flora of Belgium and Luxembourg
New or interesting lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France. IX.
Report on two lichenological field meetings in the province of Luxembourg in Belgium
New or interesting lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France. X.
Les macrolichens de Belgique, du Luxembourg et du nord de la France. Clés de détermination
A site with foliicolous lichens in Belgium
Stromatopogon cladoniae sp. nova, a remarkable new lichenicolous coelomycete from Belgium